ARC Review: The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

the sin eater's daughterThe Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

Published on February 24, 2015 by Scholastic Press

320 Pages

I received this review copy in exchange of an honest review.


I am the perfect weapon.
I kill with a single touch.

Twylla is blessed. The Gods have chosen her to marry a prince, and rule the kingdom. But the favour of the Gods has it’s price. A deadly poison infuses her skin. Those who anger the queen must die under Twylla’s fatal touch.

Only Lief, an outspoken new guard, can see past Twylla’s chilling role to the girls she truly is.

Yet in a court as dangerous and the queen’s, some truths should not be told…

My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this book! If you are a big fan of fantasy, then you will need to read this one. It comes highly recommended!

The world that was created by Ms. Salisbury held my interest and made me feel like I was a part of it.

I really enjoyed getting to know the character of Twylla and I really felt for her. She had not had the easiest life and it seems that she is really biding her time until she can make her life better and actually start living for herself instead of being ordered to do things. She is kind of “play thing” of the Queen’s and although she does not agree with all that is happening under the Queen’s reign, she feels like she has no other choice but to do as she is told if not for herself but to keep her loved ones safe.

I was instantly skeptical of Lief but he had slowly won me over. He was very sweet and I liked the fact that he told Twylla exactly how it was and did not beat around the bush by telling her what he thought she had wanted to hear.

I also have a small soft spot for the Prince. I feel that he is as much a prisoner in his own home as Twylla.

Another cliffhanger ending that left me really wanting needing the next book in this series. With this being a debut novel by Ms. Salisbury, she is definitely one to watch!

5 star rating


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