Book Tagged!

1. You must post the rules.

2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create ten new questions to ask the people that you have tagged.

3. Tag ten people and link to them on your post.

4. Let them know you’ve tagged them!

Questions from Pragya

1. What is that one book you want to recommend to everyone (I love to add more books to my TBR 😉 )

I would suggest Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma. It is very taboo in nature, but a wonderfully written story that lets you fall in love with the characters and delivers a shocking ending.
2. Who is your favorite author(s)?

I cannot say that I have a favorite, I like many! EL James, Brenda Pandos, Rachel Caine..just to mention a few.
3. How do you gain and maintain your followers?

Not really sure??? I guess because I post every day and try review books that I think my followers would like.
4. Do you follow a routine for your blog (like a meme etc.)?

Sure, we have Quote Me Tuesday and Waiting On Wednesday.
5. What genre you most enjoy reading?

Usually anything romance. I can read almost anything as long as there is a romance involved! I am such a sap..LOL
6. What is the book(s) you are looking forward to reading this year?

Well, it was Fifty Shades Freed, now I am looking forward to Black Dawn (Morganville Vampires #13) by Rachel Caine
7. Is there a book you find yourself going back to often?

YES!!! I have read both the Fifty Shade series and Beautiful Disaster at least 3 times. I usually NEVER come back to a book, but I really love these books:)
8. How does your family/friend/spouse react to your reading and blogging?

Well, not too good! They just do not understand my obsession! I usually get a lot of hassle about it, but it does not stop me!
9. What is that one book you have thrown on the wall saying ‘I’m not going to finish that!’?

Ooh, I usually do not have a problem finishing books. Although, there have been a couple in the past that I have not been able to finish. Mostly by indie authors and I am not going to name them…Sorry:(
10. What accessories do you need while reading (pet, tea, cookie etc.)?

hmmm, I guess that I just need my comfy couch, a blanket, a good lamp and silence!!!

My Questions:

1. Your favorite series and favorite stand alone book?

2. Where is your favorite reading spot?

3. Name one male character from a book that if he was real, you wish you could marry?

4. Name one female character from a book that you wish you could be more like?

5. Your favorite book as a child?

6. Name a few of your favorite authors?

7. Why did you decide to run a review blog?

8. Do you have friends/family that are close to you that you share the love of reading?

9. Name one book that you loved, but had love/hate feelings while reading it. One that was so good that you felt like you were on a roller coaster going up and down?

10. Name your favorite book blog that you follow?

I tagged the following blogs:

In Between Writing and Reading

Books With Bite

YA Crush

Reading Teen

Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands

On The Shelf

My Book Boyfriend

Winged Reviews

RoRo Is Reading

Karin’s Book Nook

Once all of you have written your posts and answered my questions, please come back here and let me know and leave a link so we all can follow along!

2 thoughts on “Book Tagged!

  1. Loved your responses! Thanks for participating. I have added Forbidden to my TBR.

    And what is it with all our families! LOL! Thank God we have each other and books, of course! 🙂


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