Blog Tour: Be With Me by Jennifer l. Armentrout & Divergent Read A-Long Discussion!!

17558817Be With Me (Wait For You 2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Published February 4, 2014 by Harpercollins

299 Pages


amazon buttonTeresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she’s in love with her big brother’s best friend, but he hasn’t spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, change-your-life kiss. She got out of a terrible relationship. And now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It’s time for Plan B – college. And maybe a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real.

Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he’s not telling anyone. Especially not his best friend’s incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn’t have time for a relationship. But it doesn’t help that all he can think about kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him.

As they’re thrown together more and more, Jase and Tess can’t keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they’re willing to risk to be together, and what they’re willing to lose if they’re not…

My Thoughts

I will read ANY book that JLA writes! Seriously, any book! She has quickly become one of my favorite authors and I am trying very hard to keep up with all of her new releases. I am not even sure how she keeps track herself or how she finds the time to write so many? I am in awe….literally!

I did not have the pleasure of reading the first book in this series (one that I missed) but, I did not feel that I needed to in order to keep track of what was happening in this book.

I really enjoyed this NA title and really need to get my hands on the first one so that I can read more about Cam & Avery’s story. But, with that said, this book is about Cam’s little sister, Teresa. She had always dreamed of being a dancer but her hopes of that are threatened by a leg injury that she is trying to nurse back so she could follow her dream. Jase is Cam’s best friend and I can tell you that he is hot, hot, hot!!! Teresa and Jase shared a kiss a year ago and she has held onto that kiss in hopes that the next time she sees him, he will realize what he is missing and do it again.

Jase may be hot but there are some points in the book that he acts like a complete ass! (of course! As is with all men) He does redeem himself and by the end, I am in love with him all over again:)

My favorite part of the book is the scene in Cam’s apartment with Jase & Teresa locked in the spare room and Cam comes barging in. *uh oh!* Those of you that have read the book know exactly what I am talking about and if not, you need to read it, for that scene alone!!! It had me giggling a little;)

Teresa is a sweet girl and I can’t say that she is perfect. She makes her share of mistakes also but she is strong and really makes Jase work for her forgiveness.

The next book in the series, Stay With Me, is expected to be released in September and I am really looking forward to it. Once I catch up on all the rest! Seriously, if you enjoy NA, then this one is a MUST READ!!! I do not think that Ms. Armentrout could write anything that would be considered so-so or not good!


tlc tour host

Divergent Read A-Long

I greatly apologize for not getting this up yesterday. We had a huge ice storm and power was out everywhere!
But anyhoo,

Welcome to the first segment of the Divergent Read A-Long!!!

Chapters 1-10

Once I started reading this book, I was having a hard time stopping at chapter 10. I think that I read to chapter 14;) I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this book!

You can use the following questions as part of your discussion or just tell us your thoughts on the book so far:

1. What faction do you think you would choose if you were in Tris’s shoes?

I honestly think that I would have picked Dauntless also. Their life just seems so much more exciting than the others. But, I probably would have died immediately jumping from the train onto the roof so I wouldn’t have had much time for the excitement!

2.  Whom is your favorite main character & secondary character so far?

I love Tris! She thinks through every move, thought, feeling before she acts upon them. I do have a soft spot for Four, but we have not learned too much about him so far. Christina is another favorite of mine. She is sassy and speaks her mind no matter what. I love some of the questions she asks and I really think she was meant to be Dauntless, she seems to have no fear.

3. Whom is the character that you are hating on at this moment in the book?

Mine would definitely be Peter! Gosh! When he pulled the towel from Tess and she was naked, I wanted to jump in the book and strangle him myself. And I hate the way he calls her Stiff. I know that all the others do it too including Four but there is just something off when Peter says it. Like he secretly knows that she could be competition but doesn’t want to admit it.

4. Are you enjoying the book so far???

Like I said before, I was having a hard time putting it down. I had read this book so long ago and really had forgotten a lot of what happens. I am hoping that the movie follows the book closely!

Please leave a link with your discussion in the comments section OR tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
Next week chapters 11-20!
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!!!

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h. Lee

6 thoughts on “Blog Tour: Be With Me by Jennifer l. Armentrout & Divergent Read A-Long Discussion!!

  1. WOW!!! I love when you read a book and that author quickly becomes a favorite! So many people have raved about this book that I’ve decided I need to read it ASAP!


  2. I agree with all of your answers! Tris didn’t belong in Dauntless, in my opinion. Also, PETER IS A JERK! Dauntless is about facing your fears, not violence. I also really like Tris, and also Caleb. Love this book. Happy to reread 🙂


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