BOOK TOUR: How to Bake a Man by Jessica Barksdale Inclán

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Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Ghostwoods Books (October 21, 2014)
A copy provided in exchange for an honest review

A cute quasi coming of age story involving Becca Munchmore, a 27 year old finally finding her footing in life and love. She’s on the precipice of sheltered, controlled by critical mother and emotionally immature. Finally she takes a leap on her own and pursues her passion of baking. She’s a charming character, endearing narrative as the reader follows her on her path of self discovery and love. Bonus, the book contains delicious recipes.

Becca is a warm character and I like the whole baking concept, very clever and added a distinct charm to both character and narrative. The approach the author took was sentimental plausible and enjoyable. I’m sure the younger audience will understand Becca’s situation in some capacity if not all. She comes across as weak but as you read on it isn’t a matter of lacking strength it’s a matter of truly not knowing border lining on fear/naivety/innocence,  not knowing in the sense of what you want or who you are exactly. All around read of claiming adulthood and your place, discovering love as well.

A cute story with an absolutely lovable character living life her way as she discovers who she is and what’s right in front of her. She controls her destiny without parental control. Fast paced enjoyable story.

About Jessica Barksdale InclánJB018a-200x300
JESSICA BARKSDALE INCLAN is the author of twelve traditionally published novels, including the best-selling Her Daughter’s Eyes, The Matter of Grace, and When You Believe. She has also published several ebooks and a women’s studies textbook, Diverse Voices of Women. Her work has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and Czech.
Inclán teaches composition, creative writing, mythology, and women’s literature at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California, and online novel writing courses for UCLA Extension.

Find out more about Jessica at her website,

Thrilled to be participating in the tour for Jessica Barksdale Inclán’s How to Bake a Man, be sure to check out the entire tour schedule here, it runs through 7 November. Thank you TLC


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