Glimpsing Heaven by Judy Bachrach

• Paperback: 256 pages
• Publisher: National Geographic (September 2, 2014)



What happens when we die? A question I ask myself often, always curious and a topic I enjoy exploring through various writings.

I was completely captivated by this book, a subject matter I continually question and read extensively. Bachrach demonstrates her keen journalistic skills with various interviews from people sharing their near death experiences. Varying backgrounds, occupations adding interest – actress, doctors, neuroscientists.

Each chapter reveals information both unfamiliar and familiar with near death experiences. One point mentioned time and time by interviewees – death is not to be feared. The people interviewed openly share their stories and their background pre/post experience. There were similarities as well as differences as to what exactly each person faced. Both stories and participants are fascinating as well as gripping.

If you’re interested in probing as to what happens when you die, give this book a read, you’ll have difficulty putting it down, finding yourself riveted and well educated on a interesting subject matter surely to have crossed your mind on occasion.

About Judy Bachrach
JUDY BACHRACH is a veteran journalist, having worked at the imageWashington Post, the Washington Star, and Vanity Fair, for which she covered stories on Sylvio Berlusconi, Amanda Knox, and Stephen Hawking. She was educated at Chatham College, the University of Brussels, and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. In the course of volunteering as a hospice worker, a path she initially chose to conquer her fear of death, she met numerous nurses, doctors, and scientists who have helped her with this book.
Follow Judy on Twitter.

Thrilled to be participating in the tour for Judy Bachrach’s Glimpsing  Heaven,  be sure to check out the entire tour schedule here, it runs through 5 December. Thank you TLC tlc tour host

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